Woman smiling

Master of Education in Educational Research and Assessment

Become an expert in education-related data science and research design

Develop Expertise in Analyzing and Using Data to Make Effective Decisions

Data drives good decisions. With the use of data at the forefront of school reform, districts need experts in education-related data science and assessment. Teachers, administrators, consultants, counselors, and school psychologists all play a role in the design, collection, and interpretation of data.

Your career is valuable! One of the benefits of this program is that it is highly customizable to ensure it fits your professional goals, whether that is to enhance your skills in your current role, move to a different position, or even to eventually pursue doctoral studies in education. As you complete this Master’s program, you can also earn your choice between two graduate certificates without taking extra credits - Data-Based Decision-Making, or Program Evaluation in Educational and Youth-Serving Organizations.

Woman working on laptop
Woman working on laptop
Man working at a desk
Clock with graduate hat icon

Time to Complete

Can be completed in one year with full-time study – Summer, Fall, and Spring, or with a flexible schedule on a part-time basis. You can start any semester.

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10 courses totaling 30 credit hours

Advance your career today.

  • Your career is valuable. This program can be completed entirely online, primarily in asynchronous courses, for ultimate convenience for busy schedules.
  • Benefit from a nationally recognized university. CSU is a leading public, urban, research university, giving you the opportunity to learn from professors who are involved in large-scale research on learning sciences, particularly in urban environments.
  • Learn what you want to learn. This program allows for customization, giving you the benefit of choosing the types of courses that will be most useful to you in reaching your professional goals.
  • Be part of a global community. This program is housed within CSU’s Levin College of Public Affairs and Education giving you easy access to courses and professors not only in education but also in urban affairs, sociology, communication, and other interrelated disciplines.
Woman working on a computer
Woman working on a computer

Learning Methodology

Understanding how children and adults learn is the bedrock of education. As a participant, you will benefit from taking courses from the education core on human development and social foundations of education, and will also learn essential research skills, basic statistics, and how to write and evaluate assessments. Then, depending on which courses you choose to take, your growth continues as you study about data-based decision making in the classroom, program evaluation, establishing data culture in a school, understanding school report cards and value-added data, advanced research methods, and use of statistical software to present and analyze data.

Admissions Requirements

General requirements for admission to the Master of Educational Research and Assessment program include: 

  1. Apply for admission to Cleveland State University.

  2. Submit official undergraduate transcripts.

  3. Baccalaureate degree GPA of 2.75 or above.



The Master of Education: Educational Research and Assessment program is 30 credit hours. Those who already have a relevant Master’s degree will take credits for the certificate(s) only. The certificates can also be earned in conjunction with a Master’s Degree in Educational Research

Master's Degree Core Courses (12 credits)

Required Course:

EDB 601Educational Research3 Credits

Choose one of the following:

EDB 604Equity in Community and Classroom Settings: Promoting Youth and Young Adult Well-Being3 Credits
EDB 606Philosophy of Education3 Credits
EDB 608Political Landscape of Education: Tools for Policy Analysis and Advocacy3 Credits
EDB 609Comparative & International Education3 Credits

Choose one of the following:

EDC 501Child Development3 Credits
EDB 620Psychology of the Adolescent Learner3 Credits
EDB 628Psychology of Learning & Instruction3 Credits

Choose one of the following:

EDB 574*Data-Driven Classroom Instruction3 Credits
EDB 612Curriculum Theory & Instruction3 Credits

*Note: If EDB 574 is chosen to fulfill Curriculum and Instruction, it cannot also count as a Specialization course.

Master's Degree Specialization (18 credits)

Required Course:
EDB 572Statistics for Health and Human Services3 Credits
Choose at least two of the following:
EDD 574Data-Driven Classroom Instruction3 Credits
EDB 704Interpreting Student Performance Data3 Credits
EDB 711Educational Evaluation & Innovation3 Credits
EDB 715Applied Programming & Data Analysis With Statistical Packages3 Credits
Elective and/or Thesis Credits (8-9 to reach a total of 30 degree credits)

Certificate in Data-Based Decision Making (12 credits)

The graduate certificates may be taken alone or in conjunction with the Educational Research and Assessment degree. Note: courses listed for certificates only may be duplicates of courses listed in the Master's program.

Required Courses:
EDB 572Beginning statistics for research3 Credits
EDB 574Data Driven Decision-Making in the Classroom3 Credits
EDB 704*Interpreting Student Performance Data3 Credits
EDB 711*Educational Evaluation & Innovation3 Credits

*EDB 601 or equivalent (an introductory research course) is a prerequisite for these courses.

Certificate in Program Evaluation in Educational and Youth-Serving Organizations (12-13 credits)

Required Courses:
EDB 572Statistics for Health and Human Services3 Credits
EDB 711*Educational Evaluation & Innovation3 Credits
EDU 715Quantitative Data Management, Manipulation, and Programming2 Credits
Choose between:
UST 510Proposal Writing4 Credits
EDB 620Psychology of the Adolescent Learner3 Credits
EDU 701*Advanced Research Methods in Counseling and Education2 Credits

*EDB 601 or equivalent (an introductory research course) is a prerequisite for these courses.

Man working on computer
Man working on computer

Tuition and Financial Aid

Tuition and financial aid for CSU programs are kept competitive so you can receive the education you deserve. Tuition for online programs and courses follows the same fee structure as traditional, on-campus programs and courses. Current CSU Graduate tuition costs can be found on the Bursar’s website.

Approximately 70% of CSU’s students receive some form of financial assistance. The University participates in or administers all the major federal and state grant and loan programs. In addition, CSU provides University grants and scholarships.

To begin the financial aid process, you will need to complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). You must file a FAFSA every year after January 1st to receive your financial aid. Cleveland State University’s financial aid school code is 003032.

If you have any questions, visit the Financial Aid section of CSU’s website, or contact the Financial Aid office.



Your professors in this program:

  • are cutting edge thought-leaders in the education and teacher training space.
  • are experienced with conducting large-scale research studies related to education and learning and have been published and recognized for their scholarly contributions.
  • have strong and meaningful community partnerships. The community is our learning laboratory.
  • are available to you when you need us. We want you to succeed and are willing to contribute meaningfully. We care!
CSU trees blooming
CSU trees blooming

Student Success Coaching

At CSU, you will be paired with a Student Success Coach to support you on your journey from acceptance into a program to graduation. Coaches help with:

  • Time management
  • Study strategies
  • Focus techniques
  • Work-life balance
  • Academic support resources
  • Navigating University policies and procedures
  • Resolving issues and locating the right resources

Student Success Coaches will reach out to you for a welcome call early in your program. Coaches can help you create an academic success plan with strategies and goals that will help you be successful. Student Success Coaches are available to you throughout your program. Student Success Coaches do not replace academic advisors or other counselors, but rather work as a team with them to provide you with all the right resources.

Girl looking at her computer
Girl looking at her computer
Woman standing in a group of people

Career Outcomes

This degree is designed to enhance your current position in teaching, administration, education consulting, education data science, or help you move to another position that would benefit from expertise in research and assessment. Graduates of this program are prepared for careers as:

  • Education Consultant
  • Education Coordinator
  • Assessment Writer
  • Research and Assessment Project Manager
  • And more

Career Outcomes

This degree is designed to enhance your current position in teaching, administration, education consulting, education data science, or help you move to another position that would benefit from expertise in research and assessment. Graduates of this program are prepared for careers as:

  • Education Consultant
  • Education Coordinator
  • Assessment Writer
  • Research and Assessment Project Manager
  • And more

From this program, I learned how to develop ideas and the importance of building a good curriculum...thought-provoking, challenging, and exciting class(es).

They [faculty] encouraged me throughout the program, and I felt they wanted the best for me.

Jungeun Song
2021 graduate

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need to have background in education or data to be in this program?

No. While many of our students have an education background, it is not required, and your professors create assignments that are adaptable for those who are not in an education setting. There is no expectation of a background in data or assessment.

Do I need to take the GRE to apply to this program?

The GRE requirement is currently waived.

Does this degree lead to specific employment?

Most students with this degree are enhancing their current employment in an education position or preparing for doctoral studies in education. However, graduates with this degree are also prepared to take new employment with education assessment companies, educational consultant companies, and data-related positions with school districts.

Connect with us to learn more

Fill out the form to connect with a Cleveland State University admission counselor who can provide additional information about your program of interest, the admission process, financial aid, and more.
